Entrepreneurship & Innovation | Fashion & Creative Industries

“It is going to take innovators

to design new business models and apply new technology to move beyond our constant consumption of limited resources.”

— Jennifer E.S. Millspaugh, Ph.D, Tedx 2018


I design programs, communities and business strategies that serve the innovation economy


A new era awaits

With a global economy accelerated by disruptive new technologies, supply-chains and modes of consumption, the demand and drive for sustainability intensifies. The sweeping changes to legacy business models presents challenges and opportunities across our collective economic ecosystem.

The immediate threats require a reimagining of entire industries and our economic system, with increasing emphasis on rapid and radical innovation in the design of new ventures, business models and capabilities. This brings to the forefront regenerative processes that redefine success to fully encompass what is valuable and possible.

My work incorporates dynamic capabilities and design-thinking for financial and professional services within the innovation economy to define, build and establish projects, programs and business models that redefine growth, resilience and success for the new economic era.

I am a corporate strategist, insights advisor and applied-researcher with a background in program, operations and organization design, capability development, research, and communications.


As a senior leader at SVB, I helped build our sales enablement function from the ground up, despite having no prior experience in commercial banking nor enablement.

As the founder of the Austin Fashion Initiative (AFI), I brought together over 1000 entrepreneurs and professionals in the fashion industry, building a local community with global connections. I have also served as a US State Department mentor and invited speaker, participating in programs such as the Uzbekistan Business Leaders (UBL) Fellowship program, the German Marshall Fund's YTILI European program, the YLAI South American and the YALI African initiatives, serving promising entrepreneurs from each continent.

I have also served as an advisory member of THE BOARD and the Independent Fashion Advisory Board (IFAB), a visiting scholar for Texas State University, an entrepreneur-in-residence, spoken at SWSW & TEDx, and am an enthusiastic volunteer with Ballet Austin Guild.

My research, stemming from my prior doctoral work, examines the connection between our individual work practice and the organizations we build. My PhD from the University of the Arts London, London College of Fashion produced a framework for the brand development and internationalization processes of entrepreneurial designer fashion enterprises (DFEs) that is applicable across industry sectors. Now, I’m turning my attention to the intersections of regenerative economics, organizational design and corporate strategy.

Through my writing, I explore the development of creativity, design and regenerative business models that connects every human to our global economic system. My work explores the connections between our individual work practice, organizational development, and global systems. Learn more at Ellevara.substack.com.

My background and experience has led me to recognize the importance entrepreneurship and innovation holds for our creativity, global economy and humanity, and how financial resources can open up access to this complex and dynamic ecosystem. I apply my work as a leader, researcher and advisor for both entrepreneurs and executives, and a builder of communities, programs and organizations.